Monday, 11 October 2010

long term memory-implicit/non verbal
a very robust memory can result when Ss reperatedly explainwhat they are doingcreating neural networks
memory types
for certain memories little effort or studying is required because of emaotional significance

if Ss we able to have lessons of great personal significance but without negative threats

we can create linages between a given lesson and students by facitlitating the search for patterns having Ss physically involved and especially when they have a p[ersonal interest in the outcome

if learning is memory- the retrieval of memory

concepts spread throughtout the entire cortex when the mromry is accesse we only access a portion of the network which is why we never have exactly the same thought twice

multiple assessments using different modalitles are necessary to overcome the limited access to the memory of a concept at a particu;ar time

a single assessment givwes only a poor snapshot of what is in the brain and may miss large portions or what a student knows

Mirror neurons
imitation can make us slow fast smart dumb..good at bad at math…
involved in the development of addictions and impulses

impact on cherished notions of freee will and why some actions

Theory of sparse coding
after a concept is established Ss create a wide variety of conncetions using different learning modalities
should reinforce and revisit the concept

reggio Emilia- umst be wiling to give time
constructivist using Emilia lead to deeper understandiong of l;earing

to have cognitive conflict without emotional conflict

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