Wednesday, 13 October 2010

make decisions slowly by consensus?-implement decisions rapidly
Richard florida-squelchers-those who underminecreativity-prefer convention-create bnlockages to new ideas

profile-think of it/do it/prove it

Kids like me in china
united nations declaration of human rights

beglers 5 fs- food,festivals,fashion,famous people,folklore
revoulition-people are willing to fight and die to change a political system
Harvard “project zero”
how international is my school?

1- schools culture accomopdate and reflects the cultres refelctedin the school
2- school takes positive advantage of the diversity withih n the school body to enrich the learning of the whole sxchooll community
3-the adults in the school community actively model inteculatural uinderstanding

2- top down goal process to define numerical goals
W Edwards demmings- squelchers
Frederick Winston taylor-scientific management
scores as principle model of success-as oppose to a complexapproach

pentagon plots
don’t forget what you learned in the desert
the vortex..yung jin must be disciplined

I would ask “who the hell took my sappner and didn’t give it back?” and willie did it and he heard his fathers voice and identified me with a cop and the next meeting shut up like a clam

Newspapers have called it a go as you please school and have implied that it is a meeting of wild primates

reuests & commands- permission
a civilization whose standards of success is money

the subaqua question-what hif he never tuires-overlapping skills- sees it, reccomentdit-
So what if he starts late..msiied potential= fear!

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