Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Self organised learning envitronemtns—soles
call the granny cloud

A question...A place to search..a time to talk..a place to share...a time for feedback...
self organiseing systems produce emergence..where tyey begin to create things that they were never meant to do

From fasrmers to factory workers-to knowledge workers-creatior and empathisers
creativity / innovation- inquiry-critical thinking/problem solving/ communication./collaboration/global thinking/leadership/responsibility
big actions/everyday actions
global citizens live out their learner profile as adults

PYP action- choose/act/reflect
actions havea n enduring impact when they affect a students inner cionviction and genuine choice and responsibility
often childrne4 are no conscious of their choices
they may learn fioormulainc responses to refelction that the T will accept
the more we focus on the issues outside the chns sphere eof influence the more we hightlight their powerlesseness the shere of influence is profoundly significant to them

make sense of a deluge of stimuli be trying to find patterns and seing how these patterns fit together with still other patterns
walking and taklking

make the emotional contact first then worry asboutt he lesson

fromntal loves mature between 21-24 they are major executive functions in decision processes much of our impulse and inhibition control, focuses attention in working memory, logic and reaaoniong

you may learn superb study skills but may not intitiate the use of those skills without some direction

leartning os arguabvly about the formation of returnable memories which include theknowledge process, habits , skills, attrivbutes andbiases…perceptions develop through experiences

Actual experimentation, the manipulation and testing of ideas in reality, provides children with direct, concrete feedback about the accuracy of their ideas as they work them out. Both play and exploration are self-structured and self-motivated processes of learning.

Working memory
sensory memory

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