· That particular effects can be achieved by writing and that readers can be influenced by these.
· That they can talk about their writing to help them gather ideas, discuss their choice of words and sentences and evaluate what they have written.
· That writing is a powerful and effective way of expressing oneself, of shaping things and achieving a range of purposes.
· Understand the important features of book language・how it looks and sounds in narrative, poetry and non-fiction. This process has been formulated into the core teaching sequences・for reading and writing.
To be an effective writer children need:
Wide Vocab
Clear Phonics
Legible Letter Formation
Understanding of Spelling rules
Knowledge that writing conveys messages
Knowledge that writing can create effects
The ability to gather ideas, discuss word/sentence choice, and evaluate via talk
Understand text features
What is essential is that pupils are taught from an early stage to elaborate sentences as required. \
Written sentences are differently structured from spoken utterances which can rely on gesture, intonation and stress to fill out the speaker痴 meaning. Techniques to help children include sentence manipulation: constructing, completing, expanding, manipulation, transforming, combining, reducing, investigating.
writing more precise, varied, surprising and effective.
add colour and precision
appropriate to its audience and purpose.
learning comes in three important ways:
1. through reading,
2. through oral telling and retelling of stories explaining, instructing, recounting,
3. through shared and modelled writing
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four variables now considered in devising readability formulas: syllable length, word familiarity, word abstractness, and sentence length
advancing from oral to written communication