Sunday, 26 September 2010

notes 2010 part next

western schooling produces good citizens
indigenous education pruduces good humans
inquiry brings together both?

what action comes from the investigatio

jerome harset- inquiry as a philosophical way of life

We may change the source of facts while the organistation is still teacher led and children still memorise facts.

I thou martin buber
in autherntic existence without imagination and ideas- lacks any structure and communicates no content- we find our meaning in relationships- we go together

i-it –

From learning about to learingn to be

itics. Ron Miller has identified five core elements common to many contemporary educational alternatives:[1]

1. Respect for every person

2. Balance

3. Decentralization of authority

4. Noninterference between political, economic, and cultural spheres of society

5. A holistic worldview

Compartmentalized disciplines
transdisiplinary Vs sybject specific discsiplines

Bottom up top down misconceptions
communities are people together for a purpose

Pyp inq is not about listing Qs or closed factoids-
IRF- initiation/ response/ fb

Transmediation- new connectors

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