Monday, 27 September 2010

Pause for a few minutes – raw a pic/act out/swap[ talk for writing/explain yr idea

Project zero/ teaching for understanding

Explicit/ implicit null (left out) curriculas

Archetypal elements which resonate with our psychology around our sociological/ poloitcal interactions

Does this resonate deeply with all human beings on the planet?

How we express ourselves as year long throughlines within each of the 5 units

From thematic instruction to inquiry based learning (instruction?)

How will we know what we have learned?

Assess- inform next-action

Assessment – form/ afl OR evaluation (aol) sum

Primary focus of PYP clasr oom or assmtccc is to provide feedback on the learning process

Concept driven inquiry

Do Ss Qs develop over time in depth and complexity?

Encouragement {----} motivation

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