Thursday, 16 September 2010

21010 notes pg2

Anne davies…
what an excellent procees/product will look like

4 prerequisites for chn to fully understand and participate----
1 mistakes are essential dfor learning
2 the difference between descriptive (you have used many interesting verbs) and evaluative feedback (this was good)
3 they will have tie to try out their ideas
4 success has many different looks


Formulating Qs for personal inquiry

Descriptive/developmental feedback is more effective than evaluative

Evaluative feedback is what most people think of when they hear the word “feedback.” It’s the kind of feedback managers used to get in a performance review–a focus upon previous performance.

Evaluative feedback is focused on the past. You need to understand your previous performance to improve. However, alone, it’s not enough. You’ll get a broad picture of your strengths and weaknesses, but you won’t get the specific steps (actions) you should take to improve them. That’s what really matters, knowing how to move forward.

Developmental feedback is very different. Rather than looking retroactively, it looks to the future. It emphasizes what “we” (the coach and the person being coached) can do to improve on the past and build needed skills and competencies for the organization as well as for the receiver’s career.

1) do more of this less of this
2) asking Qs : have you considered
3) have Ss say how samples of work are similar/ differ form the assmt criteria
4) have Ss use exemplars to identify points for improvements

PYP criteria for demonstrating conceptual understanding
1) correct/ precise terminology
2) correct/ precise use of examples and no examples
3) appropriate / precise selection of info to illustrate a point
4)concise as explanation as required
5)few factual errors
6)relevant connections made between concepts

exemplar [ɪgˈzɛmplə -plɑː]


1. a person or thing to be copied or imitated; model

mastery is not always necessary…only progress and growth

demonstrating understanding requires a range of evidence

intellectual growth and development—teaching is about allowing children to progress

spoken and visual language acompaniying action

avoide relainae on ijnitiation/response/feedback Qs—what has 4 legs and barks?./a dog./yes!

Considerable message redundancy (ie repetitionof key phrases in conversations) talking time

high support/ high challenge

Authentic assessemtn- creating assmt tasks Ss demonstrate deep and growing understanding thru completion of tasks- application and transference of skills and knowledge

Understanding is revealed In performance as a transferibly of core ideas knowledge and skills

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